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2022 NPFMA Membership Directory

  • February 04, 2022
  • Alternative Management

Registration is closed

It's directory & renewal season!

Make sure your 2022 NPFMA membership is renewed to ensure that you're listed!

Upgrade to color for only $60!
Bold Listings are $25

This is a limited time opportunity!

Directory participation and ad submission deadline: January 31, 2022

Extended to Wednesday February 2nd!

Reserve ad space online!

Download ad form

Directory Information

  • One free basic listing for each NPFMA member is included in your membership. (Includes: company name, member name, title, address, phone, fax & email) 
  • You must be a current NPFMA member in good standing to sponsor ad space
  • Your 2022 NPFMA membership must be paid in full by January 31, 2022 in order for you to be listed.  Deadline Extended to Wednesday February 2nd!
  • Ad space reservations are accepted on a first come, first served basis
  • We will invoice you for your ad if you request it

Ad Specs:

Full page ad-  7.5” x 10”
½ page Horizontal- 7.5” x 4.875”
½ page Vertical- 3.625” x 10”
Quarter Page-ad Specs: 3.625" x 2.3125" 
Business Card- 1/8 page 3.625” x 2.3125”

Acceptable ad formats are:

Adobe (Press) PDF
JPG – 300 dpi or above
TIF – 300 dpi or above

Please Note:  NPFMA assumes no responsibility for the quality of the artwork submitted.  NPFMA will place artwork exactly as submitted and will not edit lower quality submissions tendered in a format that is not listed on the specifications page.  Vendor assumes sole responsibility for the quality and appearance of the artwork.
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